NSS is an education extension programme. Besides their formal education in the academic courses, the student volunteers acquire practical education through social work. The office of the National Service Scheme (NSS), College Units, is there in the building near the students’ canteen. Presently the college has four units of NSS. Students wishing to be the volunteers of NSS need to register themselves from the NSS office. The registered students participate in all the activities of the NSS under the guidance of the Programme Officers. Activities are held before and after class hours, during lunch break and on Sundays and holidays. Students are advised to follow the college/NSS notice board regularly.
About NSS Programmes/Activities:-
NSS activities are of two types Normal and special Camping Programme. Normal activities are again of two types: On-Campus programmes and Off-Campus Programmes.
Awareness building of NSS volunteers on various social issues.
Environment programme and Campus cleaning activities.
First AID Training.
Blood donation camp.
Celebration of different events and NSS Week.
Programmes in adopted villages.
Disaster management and relief programmes.
Community mobilization programmes for different activities like pulse polio immunization, etc.
Traffic awareness programmes.
Conducting different rallies or campaign programmes to create social awareness against prejudices, various diseases or epidemics as and when required.